CHRISTOPHER D. GRADDICK, Principal Visionary of CHRISTOPHER MARCS DESIGN, an event and graphic design agency, began his creative journey at three years of age having played his first melody on the piano. His career in the visual and performing arts began around the same time he could form a complete sentence. Graddick refined his diverse skillset that he has married to create his eclectic entrepreneurial profile as a music, Merrill Scholar (Vienna 2002, Milan 2003) at Morehouse College; holistic education student at Mercer University; and advancedmusic education studies at Boston University. Prior to founding CHRISTOPHER MARCS DESIGN in 2013, Graddick served as a school fine arts director and choral music instructor.
Though CHRISTOPHER MARCS DESIGN services a range of clients through different design capabilities, he is seen doing what he loves daily–serving others through design. Hailed as a one of Top Top 50 Wedding Florists by Florists' Review and one of the Top Five Wedding Florists and Designers by Gateway Macon, CHRISTOPHER MARCS’ designs have been seen as far west as California and east as South Africa including graphic designs for Oh Brides Magazine, the National Association of Negro Musicians, The Morehouse College Glee Club, The Atlanta Singers, Maranda Curtis, Natalie Ragins, and C. Anthony Bryant.
While balancing a diverse event and design schedule, Graddick serves as a consultant to various arts, religious, and educational organizations. In addition to designing for publications, his graphic the work can be found on his custom line of empowerment tees, FootprinTs.
Beginning January 2025, Graddick will discontinue special event design services for weddings, other socials and end of life celebrations to focus his creative energies on special design projects and business endeavors.